Dandelions (2005-2006)
I have been fascinated by the lowly (?) and misunderstood Dandelion. These paintings were inspired by dandelions in the ravine behind my home in South Edmonton. (A ravine which is sadly being eroded by the construction of a highway). Dandelion leaves collected from the area (and specially cultivated in my garden!) have been used as stencils and for printing on heavily textured canvas. The plants have been depicted as shy and fragile, mysterious or bold or screamingly angry!
Summer Diary (2005)
These paintings were created in the spring and summer of 2005. Inspiration comes from the vegetation from my garden and nearby ravine behind my home. A ravine that is sadly being eroded by the construction of a highway.
Fish Printing (2005)
Following my interest in nature printing this was my foray into Fish Printing.
Heritage (2004-2005)
A selection of paintings relating to personal history.
In 2008, I was one of 13 artists (from the multicultural and Aboriginal communities) in Edmonton who had work selected for the Sir Winston Churchill Square Project. It was organised by The Art & Design in Public Places Programme, Edmonton. The 2 chosen images ("Family Ties" and "Looking Out, Looking In") seen above were enlarged and printed onto stainless steel banners mounted on poles. These banners are a permanent installation in Sir Winston Churchill Square. The chosen art features my family and was inspired by the Chinese diaspora.
It is featured as part of the Places Tour of public art for the Works Art and Design Festival. Click on Sir Winston Churchill Square Banners Project in the Downtown Walking Tour list.